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Rehabilitation team

Man speaking with a woman in a clinical setting.

The key members of your team, and your two main points of contact, are your VAC Case Manager and the Rehabilitation Service Specialist (RSS) at PCVRS.

As the Participant, you play the most important role. Using a “Team around the Participant” approach, your rehabilitation team will work with you to create a positive experience through each phase of your Rehabilitation Plan.


You are the central part of the rehabilitation team. Your active participation in the assessment process and in your Rehabilitation Plan is essential for your success. Your responsibilities include, but are not limited to, attending regular appointments, maintaining close contact with your VAC Case Manager and RSS and informing them of any changes to your health. If your Rehabilitation Plan includes vocational goals, it is important that you are willing to adapt to a changing job market.

VAC Case Manager

Your VAC Case Manager is your initial and primary VAC contact. They are responsible for your overall case management needs including your Rehabilitation Program.

They collaborate closely with you and your RSS in developing and monitoring your Rehabilitation Plan. They will work with you and your rehabilitation team to analyze, monitor, and evaluate the Rehabilitation Plan, goals, and ongoing services that your rehabilitation team coordinates and administers. They will also work closely with you and the RSS to support you and determine when your Rehabilitation Program is ready for completion and/or closure.

Rehabilitation Service Specialist

Your Rehabilitation Service Specialist (RSS) leads the coordination and administration of all your rehabilitation services. This includes conducting your intake interview, completing an initial standardized rehabilitation assessment, and coordinating rehabilitation assessments. These assessments help identify challenges and opportunities to support a successful transition to life after service. Your RSS also reviews professional reports and recommendations and develops a Rehabilitation Plan with you and your VAC Case Manager.

Rehabilitation Service Professionals

Rehabilitation Service Professionals (RSPs) provide health and vocational services, as well as rehabilitative care to help you achieve your rehabilitation goals.

Team around the Participant

Our “Team around the Participant” approach combines customer service excellence and modern technology with rehabilitation best practices.

The many individuals and groups that may provide support to Veterans and their families.
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Partners in Canadian Veterans Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program
5th Floor 915 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8V 3K3

Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program

In cooperation with Veteran Affairs Canada.